† Virulent Artificer †

Dae'll Bizro.
Crystal | Balmung | EST.

i might be in too much debt,

with the hell in my head.

the nervous ticks — the twitch in my neck,
i'll never repress it

play guide.

leave me in the dark,
leave me with these things.



  1. 21+ only, please.

  2. I will not do noncon, one-shots or ERP in general. People get weird, man. Don't be weird. I'm fine with the build up but it will be faded at some point.

  3. IC is not OOC, should go without saying honestly.

  4. Dae explores a few 'darker' themes that may be considered triggering. This is the only warning. He is also a very mildly lore-bending character.

  5. If issues of any sort ever come up, please come to me. I'm pretty tame and I would rather have the awkward conversation than allow negative feelings to fester, even if I was originally oblivious to them. This is supposed to be fun for everyone and that can't happen without proper communication. <3

Hi, hello! I'm 30+, married and have been RPing for over 20 years.Large crowds and new people make me anxious but I absolutely love walkups!Prone to random afks.I enjoy playing supporting characters for others stories so if you have any ideas you've been sitting on feel free to throw them my way as I have a large roster!

tell me that you love me,

i know all your talk is cheap.

baby i'm a code mistake,
i was never meant to be


i'm not your monkey.

  name.    daellaryn bizro.
  age.    24, he claims.
  race.    miqo'te.
  birthday / nameday.     october 26th.
  astrological sign.     scorpio.
  gender.     male.
  pronouns.     he/him.
  sexuality.     omnisexual, masculine leaning.

  height.     5'8.
  weight.     173 ponzes.
  hair color.     black.
  eye color.     seafoam green.
  skin tone.     sandy.
  notable features.     numerous tattoos have coalesced into an amalgamation of ink covering his body. when peering through the hourglass upon his back, extensive scarring of thick lines can be seen and it's obvious many, many more are lurking beneath the ink. many claim his eyes are his most striking feature.

  job occupation.    bartender | toxic alchemist | lotus agent | mascot
  place of origin.     unknown.
  home.    currently residing within Nightshade with a workshop in the Thanalan area.
  family.     sister: Zalaena Cloudsworn.
  marital status.     not interested.
  playlist.   ♫♪♫

  d&d alignment.     chaotic neutral.
  mbti.     intp-t.
  likes.     playing guitar. drinking. storms. moko. pole dancing. dumpster diving through the universe. what?
  dislikes.     deserts. vegetables. gin. creme brulee.
  virtues.     loyalty. integrity. observant. adaptable. patient.
  flaws.     lustful. self-destructive. paranoid. acedia.

i'm not your puppet.

  personality.   Most people usually meet either one of two Dae's.More commonly, he's known to be a high spirited flirt who could likely talk and charm his way out of a Garlaen encampment. He likes to call that one 'The Entertainer', though most just say 'himbo'.A troubled man lies beneath when you peel that persona away; reserved, cunning and yet deeply disturbed with a growing paranoia he's the catalyst to the next calamity.With a little bit of patience, those who have stuck by him have helped lift him to new heights and new discoveries, but underneath it all the man is still d r o w n i n g.

headcanon one. Dae suffers from absence seizures which lead to some really wild, vivid hallucinations that play into his paranoia.
headcanon two. When left to his own devices, he is most likely playing his guitar, enough so that callouses often dot his fingers.
headcanon three.He thoroughly believes he will meet his end in a desert and is most comfortable when around bodies of water or caught in the middle of a storm.
headcanon four. He is not from this star. This makes language difficult at times and has set him back years in his profession. He's getting there, one wrong innuendo at a time.
headcanon five. Always seen with some sort of vice in hand, yet he rarely ever appears to be anything less than sober.


i'm just a fleabag.


i wanna turn back time.

i wanna fix the way i was designed.

crawl behind my eyes
and kill my stale state of mind.


who the hell have i become?

hook one. You've been in or around Nightshade or have heard rumors of the friendly vice peddler often found behind the bar there.hook two. If you're in need of anything of an alchemical nature, perhaps you've heard about his workshop, The Hourglass, in the Thanalan area.hook three. Along with his workshop, Dae dabbles in growing his own moko strains and has begun creating his own hallucinogens once again. Maybe you've tried them? Maybe you want to?

more coming soon.

hook four. Having worked in numerous brothels and clubs, it's entirely possible his face is a familiar one.hook five. Information has a price, as does his blade. Depending on circumstances, he may be bought as a mercenary or informant. Who else he shares that information with, however...hook six. I don't know, I'm bad at these. Just walk up! ♥

DM me if you'd like to set up any sort of pre-existing relationship. ♥

counting hours in between my doses?

a jaded man with shaky hands,

holding on to what he can't let go of.
and now, i'm terrified.


oh, bless my heart,
when the wolves take me away

Zalaena Cloudsworn

little sister

  summary.     Forever a royal pain in his ass. The majority of his early years were spent trying to protect her from all of her bad decisions. Tireless. Unending. Eternally grating. Though he does love her.


chosen sister

  summary.   Time and time again, she has unknowingly lifted his head just enough above water that he could catch his breath again. He believes her to be the only truly good person in his life and cherishes her beyond words. Dae has killed in her name and would not hesitate to do so again.ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Tu m'as sauvé.


best friend

  summary.     One of, if not the only woman he can actually sit back, open a bottle and relax with while not having to worry about ulterior motives. There is little that isn't shared between them.


baby girl

  summary.     Dae was certain the man had a permenant stick up his ass upon meeting him. Over time, he's learned first impressions aren't always meant to be written in stone. Few know more about his past than Arken, even as little as it may be and Dae values his opinion and advice above all others.Now if he would just...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ apply...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤthat wisdom...



  summary.     Usually thinking himself on the same wavelength as Kol in all things security and subterfuge, he trusts the man fully in keeping those around them safe and secure. Dae becomes a lot less closed off around the Veena, spilling whatever is on his mind and is ecstatic to have him back in his life.



  summary.     In the beginning, he was little more than just a name to Dae but as time has gone on, he's grown to appreciate his presence and the calmness it stirs in his mind.On the other hand... Xyphris has seemed to make it a personal goal to torment Dae and he cannot fathom why. A blatant duality.ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤNot that he's complaining.



  summary.     The most recent pain in his ass. He's watched her change and grow over the past few months and he can't help but feel guilt over it at times. He's not quite sure at what point she stopped claiming she was innocent, he can only hope she doesn't end up in over her head.



  summary.     Dae wasn't sure what to make of Hallistus at first. Almost like peering through a mirror, he knew there was more that laid beneath the surface. Now, Hal seeks to guide him towards a greater purpose.



  summary.     An enigmatic woman he spent decades with only for her to suddenly vanish without a trace. He's never stopped looking. Railing against reality itself, he may just find her with a little help from an old friend.

don't fall apart
when i come back from the grave

forget my charms,
i'll never be the same

we've came so far
only to go insane.